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West Bengal govt to set up a world class food processing centre to optimise business of marine products

West Bengal government is all set to enter into a collaboration with the Arizona State University to set up a world class diagnostic laboratory and also a food processing centre with the Oceanic University to optimize the business of marine products between India and the USA. This was revealed by Dr P K Mazumdar, advisor to the chief minister Mamata Banerjee on agriculture & allied sectors at the 5th Food Processing Conclave organized by CII in Kolkata.
Mazumdar said that the Bengal government has made a decisive “paradigm shift” in the food and agri geography by shifting the focus from increasing yield to maximizing capacity building of small and marginal farmers by risk mitigation strategies, minimum support prices for essential crops, building 186 Krishak Bazars, warehouses, cold storages, water storage schemes, river lift irrigation, check dams, distribution of solar irrigation pumps to marginal farmers at nominal or no prices, crop insurance etc. Dr Mazumdar said that the West Bengal government “actively encourages” FPOs and its focus is on improving productivity and production of crops on demand of the industry which would make the farming vocation “productive and economically viable.” He added that there are opportunities of investors in the horticulture, dairy, fisheries, animal husbandry spaces in the state and that West Bengal . He requested industries to come forward with their views on the incentive policies of the government.
“One of the leading agri suppliers in the world, Thailand has taken affirmative steps in increasing productivity in this space through the Thailand 4.0 model, the Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC) and the Food Innopolis,” Ms Sweeta Santipitaks, Consul General, Royal Thai Consulate General in Kolkata said while addressing the stakeholders and Farmer Producers Organizations (FPOs).The Consul General spoke extensively about how her country has taken the locational and climatic advantages to become a $6.2 billion agri business industry with the help of Thailand 4.0 model and creating the EECs for innovation and digitization. Thailand, according to the Consul General, has been able to create a nurturing ecosystem for innovation, provide incentives to strengthen business by creating the Food Innopolis which focuses on cutting-edge research, innovation for food processing among others. She invited Indian investors to visit the EEC and Food Innopolis to learn best practices in this vertical.
Speaking at length about how the industry can leverage opportunities with the FPOs, Mr Awadhesh Kumar, General Manager, NABARD said that the FPOs need support of the stakeholders in terms of training and capacity building as they are not “traditionally business people” and “need to understand the demands of the market.” The General Manager of NABARD called for the support of financial institutions for capital disbursement to the FPOs who usually have difficulty in getting capital due to poor track records. He urged CII to create linkages between FPOs and the industry to take forward the Government of India’s target of promoting 10000 FPOs and also requested the state government to firm up a policy for these organizations who, according to Mr Kumar, need the support of financial institutions, academia and the government to become a strong stakeholder in the agri geography.
Source: Economic Times



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